28 August 2007

spirit touch

I recently finished a book entitled "Talking to the Dead" by Barbara Weisberg. The book is about the Fox sisters -Maggie, Kate and Leah who were psychic mediums in the 1800/1900s. They help spark the Spiritualist movement as a modern religion/belief system. And I must say as I read the book over a course of a few weeks, the number of physical phenomena increased. I was touched more often on my arms,legs and ears.
One night,I asked questions and received answers-"yes" on my right leg and "no" on my left.
Even the spirits themselves seem to appear in more vivid colours.And I am starting to see them when I'm not expecting. For example I saw one a work, at first I thought it was another co-worker but the colours were very bright and when I turned back around he was gone. He had been leaning against the picnic table in the oven room. As I work in a bakery most of us are wearing light colours or black and white. Not Yellow and blue. It's true that the building does have alot of history-it was a Nabisco Biscuit Factory.

Perhaps this is all in preparation for my class that starts in September. I will be sitting in a Physical Mediumship circle focusing energies to make objects manifest, hear sounds, and see things move by spirits.
I have already been in a circle where the temperature was dropped by our request, seen smoke and heard water falling (even though it was not raining or a tap was on). The most impressive to me by far was the writing on a 2 slate boards bound together. This is an old technique, where two small clean chalkboard(abt the size of a notebook) are tied together with a piece of chalk in between. Before the circle was started we were shown the 2 boards-clean. And after, the 2 boards were opened up to reveal markings. During the hour we sat, I had heard scratching and had purposely focused energy to the slates so as to give the spirits encouragement and strength to write. I am hoping for words and eventually complete sentences or two.

Sometimes, I wonder what am I suppose to do with all this information-talking to the dead? For example,I can see your Uncle Harry wearing a blue suit standing in front of an apartment building and it's 50's and he has just bought a new car , but do you want to hear about it? Or that your spirit babies are always standing to the right of you and when you are ready to conceive they would love for you to talk to them to let them know that they are welcome. And that your cat, Kitty, the one that liked to chew the edge of the sofa comes around you especially when you're stressed.
So many people don't believe and some are afraid.
Just think how wonderful it would be if you believed that we never die. We just shed this skin and move on.
We are not alone and we don't have to suffer.

So I welcome the gentle loving touches, disembodied sounds, and the sights of people passed and yet to be born. I know that my purpose is to learn, teach and heal.


Debbie said...

How blessed you are to see the spirits who have moved on! I can feel my mother's presence and sometimes I think we even share a body. I know she is watching over two of my beloved cats who died before her along with my best friend's mother. I talk--or pray--to the dead all the time and ask for theirguidance and support and I jofully and gratefully acknowledge their action in my life. I hope I don't miss too many of their contacts due to my focus on the physical world! Rest assured, DyAnne, if you see any spirits around me I won't be frightened or sceptical if yoou tell me! I envy you your gift; use it well and often!

dyAnne Irby said...

Thank you so much. I appreciate your support.

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