26 March 2008

Fire Art

Some people use the Tarot, others read palms and tea leaves, I like to use fire.
just using a simple white tapered candle and paper, I can find answers and insights. This was taught to me by one of my mentors. I truly enjoy working with fire, it may be that I'm an Aries and my ruling planet is Mars or there's a bit pyromaniac in me.
It fascinates me how images that I created can give me answers, reveal truths and even a little peek into the future. Looking at the smoked smudged paper, I can shapes and images, animals ,people, places, well almost anything. And those are personal to me and subject to my interpretation. Granted someone else can look at it and see something totally different and yet, it can still have meaning for me.
I was offering readings at my friend Betty Spaghetti's Art school on Friday nights and unfortunately or fortunately, no one showed. So I gave her a reading, well she proceeded to burn huge holes in both sheets of paper. Thank goodness for the water we had on hand. Together we explored some possible meanings for the burnt paper and the large holes. She asked me how did I know? I told her I could hear the words and see images related what was in front of us. And she respond that she wish she could do the same. I told her she could, she just needed practice and a belief that she could.
So, I smudged a paper and handed it over to her and let her tell me what she saw. This would be her interpretation, I would not be judging whether
she would be right or wrong. I must say for her first time, she got a few things spot on. And some, well, let say we're waiting for them to come to fruition.

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