29 October 2009


I've been struggling to not put my energy out there and yet I've been experience so much. I believe the International House of Reiki MAster Intensive has boost my awareness. When someone is upset/anger/sad can feel it. And when I ask them if they are upset or such they deny the feeleings/emotions. why? I've been carrying crystals to boost my shield least I be drained.

Tree Healing

Last Monday, I took a walk thru CPK and stopped by my favourite tree-Methusala. I wanted to go home as I was extremely tired but Methusa had a message for me. So I stood with my hands upon him and to my surprised received a healing. I was feeling down and Methusa gave me a mantra to repeat and then I felt the transfer of Earth energy pass into me. The energy lifted the negativity I was carrying around and I felt so much light. Who said all our teachers have to be human?

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